More Info


7:00 AM Check-In
8:15 AM Teams Seated / Announcements
8:30 AM Round #1
9:05 AM Break (20 Minutes)
9:25 AM Round #2
10:00 AM Break (20 Minutes)
10:20 AM Round #3
10:55 AM Break (20 Minutes)
11:10 AM Round #4
1:45 PM Lunch Break
1:15 PM Individual Awards Presentation /Finalists
2:00 PM Semi-Finals Round
2:30 PM Finals Round



You may choose to cook out, brown-bag-it, order pizza, or go out to eat.

Hotels & Restaurants

A thorough list of hotels and restaurants can be found at

T-Shirt Contest

Most every congregation comes in their own Bible Bowl t-shirts. Because of the many creative t-shirt designs, a contest is offered each year to judge which congregation has the most creative and eye-appealing design. Each congregation that would like to participate in the contest is asked to submit their design using the T-Shirt Contest Signup Form. Our preferred format for images is jpeg. Please use the following naming convention: congregation-city-state-year.jpg Using Sycamore as an example, the file name will be Sycamore-Cookeville-TN-2020.jpg or SycamoreCOC-Cookeville-TN-2020.jpg. Any file not named using this convention will be returned or excluded. This will allow us to know which congregation sent the shirt just by looking at the file name and not having to get it off the shirt. Thank you!


  • Top-scoring individuals and Top-scoring teams from their respected divisions are awarded a plaque.
  • Top-scoring Young Achievers (1st grade & down) are awarded a plaque.
  • All 5th Year participants receive a medallion and all 10th Year participants receive a plaque.

All 5 & 10 year participation awards received/postmarked by the deadline will be presented at Bible Bowl. We copy and paste the names sent digitally to our award vendor to avoid typographical errors. We strive to be error free on hand written names as well. If your award has a misspelling, please see Ryan Mattson after the award ceremony.

Any submissions after the deadline may not make the vendor’s process date. You may resubmit those names the following year at no charge for recognition. Please note that they will have the following year’s date on the award if you choose this route. If you would rather have the correct year on the award, you may contact our vendor directly to set this up. You will be required to submit payment directly to them including shipping and handling charges. If you need more information, please see Ryan Mattson (

Directions to Bible Bowl at Hooper Eblen Center


The address to the Hooper Eblen Center where Bible Bowl is hosted is
 1100 McGee Blvd, Cookeville, TN 38501.